The Ripple Effect Blog:
Supplier Diversity and Its Impact on Communities
Todo el tiempo estamos oyendo que vivimos en una época llena de incertidumbre. Pero, en realidad, esto no es algo nuevo. De hecho, esa es una de las únicas certezas que nos ha demostrado la historia de la humanidad: la incertidumbre constante. ¿Por qué?...
In an ever-evolving world, change is the only constant. It is an inevitable force that propels us into the future, often challenging our comfort zones and pushing us to adapt. One area where this change is particularly evident is in Supplier Diversity. This article explores the importance of...
Let’s be honest. The first thing many of us do when we wake up in the morning is pick up our cell phones. Little by little, we start checking our e-mails, read the news, and catch up on our social media feeds. Without realizing it, and before we even have breakfast and get...
“Diversity is about all of us, and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together.”
- Jacqueline Woodson
Diversity has journeyed through various stages, encountering moments of pain, exclusion, and injustice, as well as periods of admiration, achievement, and...
A symphony orchestra consists of several instruments with unique shapes, colors, and sounds. Each instrument has been carefully crafted and designed with a specific purpose – to make sound. These instruments are divided into four main families: Strings (violin, viola, cello,...
Work culture is an intangible ecosystem that makes some places wonderful or toxic to work. The essence of an organization is what constitutes its work culture. Entrepreneur informs us that it affects or defines the ability of the leadership and employees to relate to each other for...